Dr Julien Faugeras > Actualités > Treating obesity with telephone psychotherapy in Paris

Treating obesity with telephone psychotherapy in Paris

The coronavirus pandemic currently shaking the world is highlighting the dangers of not treating obesity in Western countries. In Paris and elsewhere, the pandemic has reawakened fears in many obesity sufferers, who are keen to begin psychotherapy by telephone, at least during the confinement period. Obesity is a particularly important co-morbidity in Covid-19, considerably increasing the risk of developing the severe form of the disease.

Aside from the risks directly linked to the coronavirus, obesity is a symptom whose health consequences have long been known. Diabetes, high blood pressure, hepatic steatosis and liver fibrosis, cardiovascular accidents... obesity is clearly dangerous to health, which is why the term 'morbid' used to


describe it is not inappropriate.

While the term morbidity highlights the dangers of obesity for health, it also highlights the symptomatic dimension and the self-destructive relationship of the person suffering from it. Obesity illustrates a certain tendency towards self-destruction that is often underestimated, both by the patient himself and by the medical profession.

Obesity is not an illness in itself, but a symptom of suffering.

Obesity is not an illness in itself, but a symptom of suffering that cannot be expressed in any other way. This is why obesity is treated by psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis will enable the causes of obesity to be treated and, in doing so, provide a genuine cure. Unlike acupuncture, hypnosis or a plant-based treatment, psychotherapy, whether by telephone or face-to-face, aims to treat the roots of obesity, i.e. the unconscious causes of compulsive eating.

It is not enough to tell obese people that they need to exercise and eat less. Not only do they already know this. What's more, the discrepancy between their willpower and their irrepressible compulsion can reinforce their negative self-image.

As Freud clearly demonstrated, the unconscious is stronger than we are, and when we engage in behaviour that goes beyond our control, that harms us or others when we don't want it to, no amount of advice, however benevolent, can stem this downward spiral that psychoanalysts know so well.

Obesity can be treated through psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. During the containment period linked to the coronavirus pandemic, psychotherapeutic treatment is taking place by telephone, so that those who would like to, in Paris or elsewhere, can begin their psychotherapy. The treatment of obesity through psychotherapy will enable patients to discover the unconscious causes of their compulsion and thus be able to treat their obesity at its root.

If you are suffering from obesity and would like to start psychotherapy to treat your obesity, in Paris or elsewhere, please do not hesitate to contact me by telephone.

Traduit du français par Olajumoke BALOGUN

Overcoming obesity with the help of a psychologist online or in Paris 9

Traduit du français par Olajumoke BALOGUN

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